Institutional Review Board
What is the IRB Process?
There are several mandated steps to completing the IRB process
- You must have completed training for research with human subjects. Training for the protection of human subjects is available through the collaborative institutional training initiative (CITI) program for Rivier students and faculty.
- You must submit an IRB Application for Approval form in the Canvas IRB shell.
- You must receive committee and VPAA approval before you begin the data collection phase of a research project.
To facilitate the IRB application process, please email the IRB Chair directly ( If you are a Rivier student or faculty member, you will be enrolled in the Canvas IRB course shell. More detailed information about the CITI training program and guidelines for proposals will be found in the Canvas IRB course modules section. If you are not a member of the Rivier University community but are interested in conducting research at Rivier, please also email the IRB Chair directly.
Meeting Schedule
The Committee meets monthly during the academic year. Exempt or expedited proposals are reviewed as they are received. Proposals requiring full review are discussed at monthly meetings. We strive to review proposals in a timely manner. Researchers submitting proposals during the summer months should anticipate that reviews will be delayed and plan accordingly.
Next Meeting Dates
- January 26, 2024
- February 22, 2024
- March 22, 2024
- April 25, 2024
IRB Committee Members
- Christina Griecci, Ph.D., MPH, Chair | Public Health (
- Cheryl Maykel, Ph.D., NCSP, IRB Past Chair | Education & Counseling
- Samantha Cabral, MLIS (Library)
- Chari Henry-Wilson, EdD (Business)
- Emlee C. Kohler, PhD (Psychology)
- Sarah Phillips, MS, MPH (Public Health)
- Christopher J. Welch, PhD (Religious Studies)