Rivier University to co-host 2024 Holocaust Remembrance Day event
This annual event commemorates victims’ lives and survivors’ spirit.

Mr. Artemis Joukowsky
In collaboration, Temple Beth Abraham and Rivier University welcome film director Artemis Joukowsky III, who co-directed the documentary film Defying the Nazis: The Sharps’ War to speak at their 2024 Holocaust Remembrance Day event. Starring Tom Hanks, the film traces Joukowky’s grandparents secret 1939 mission in Nazi-occupied Europe.
The event will be held at Rivier University on Tuesday, May 7, in the Dion Center at 16 Clement Street in Nashua at 7 p.m.
Artemis Joukowsky III is an American film director, author, producer, and disabilities activist. He is best known for his work on the documentaries Defying the Nazis: The Sharps’ War and Carbon Nation, as well as several other films and books. Joukowsky is the grandson of Waitstill Sharp and Martha Sharp, who helped endangered Jews and other refugees flee from the Nazis. To honor his grandparents’ bravery and sacrifice, he wrote, co-directed and co-produced The Sharps’ War with Ken Burns, which first aired on PBS in 2016.
Joukowsky will share excerpts of his film and explore what motivated the Sharps’ mission, the dilemmas they faced, and what we can learn today from their courageous actions.
In addition to Joukowsky’s presentation and a question-and-answer session, a candle-lighting ceremony will be held memorializing Holocaust victims. Temple Beth Abraham’s Zimria Choir will perform with the Nashua Community Interfaith Choir at this observance.
This project is made possible with support from the New Hampshire Jewish Federation. The event is free and open to the public.