About the Archives

In the Fall of 1993, Sister Doris Benoit, p.m., former Rivier University President (1974-1980) and part-time Professor of History, accepted the challenge and responsibility of archiving Rivier University’s past with a deep sense of pride in the University, and of gratitude to Sr. Madeleine of Jesus, Foundress and President of Rivier University from 1933-1946. Sr. Doris met with the Chairs of the various campus departments to discuss the transfer of records, and to seek advice on creating policies and procedures that would ensure an efficient system for preserving archival records. A classroom in Memorial Hall, North Wing, 1st floor, Room 119, was allocated as the location for the future Archives. When Sr. Doris passed away in November 2000, Sr. Marie Christilla, p.m. was hired as the second Rivier University Archivist. Sr. Lorraine Arsenault, p.m. served as third Rivier University Archivist from October 2005 through May 2018.

Sr. Doris Benoit, p.m.

Sr. Marie Christilla, p.m

Sr. Lorraine Arsenault, p.m


Mission Statement

The Rivier University’s Archives Department is committed to acquiring, identifying, organizing, and promoting materials that are adjudged to be of sufficient historical value to warrant their permanent preservation. Generally, artifacts that are characterized as having enduring value are those which document the history, programs, and activities of Rivier University. It is also the mission of the Rivier University Archives to provide research services for, and make the collection available to, interested and qualified researchers. The University Archives serve as a collective historical memory, a source of valuable information of the Rivier University community.  We operate to promote knowledge and understanding of the history, culture, and mission of Rivier University.


Rivier University Archives

The Rivier University Archives has limited hours of availability. Please call ahead to make an appointment if you would like to visit the Archives.