Library Collections

Book Collection

The print and electronic book collection is accessible through the library catalog. The print collection is housed in Regina Library.

Periodicals Collection

Regina Library subscribes to periodicals in two formats: hard copy and electronic databases. Articles from electronic databases may be downloaded to email accounts or printed on library printers.

Reference Collection

Print Reference

The print reference collection is in the Reference Room, on the first floor of the library. It includes general and subject-specific encyclopedias, dictionaries, handbooks, atlases, and statistical sources.

Reference books are for library use only. Staff are available to assist you in locating specific materials. Please ask for help at any time.

Electronic Reference

Credo Reference and Gale Ebooks Reference Library are online tools that search the collections of electronic reference books owned by the library.

LibGuides for subject areas in the reference collection and other print and online resources are produced and maintained by library staff.

Media Collection

Regina Library owns hundreds of DVD and Blu-ray titles in multiple curriculum areas. Included are many popular current and classic films.

Test Collection

Testing Resources include standardized English-language tests in the fields of education, psychology, and business.

  • To view a complete list of items in the Test Collection, click here.
  • See the Test Collection Policy page for information about borrowing tests.
  • The Library’s purchase agreement mandates that copyright law be strictly enforced. No copying or reproduction of tests is permitted.

Rare Book Collection

Non-circulating rare books are housed in closed stacks and may be consulted by members of the Rivier University Community upon request. Limited photocopying and photographing are available for some titles. Each request is evaluated separately.

University Archives

The Archives of Rivier University are located in Memorial Hall. The Non-circulating collection includes the official records and University-related materials that depict the historical growth and development of Rivier University. Call the Archivist at (603) 897-8278.

Theses / Dissertation Collection

A limited number of theses and dissertations from other institutions are bound and entered in the library catalog. The Dissertation Collection circulates to members of the Rivier University community. They may not be photocopied. Earlier Rivier University theses, dissertations, etc. are part of the Rivier University Archives.  Hundreds of full-text dissertations are accessible through the library subscription database, ProQuest Dissertations and Theses.

Educational Resource Center (ERC) Collections

Resource Collection

The Resource Collection includes a variety of curriculum support materials. The materials include textbooks used in schools, games, kits, and manipulatives.

Juvenile Collection

The juvenile collection consists of fiction and nonfiction titles geared toward the needs of students preparing lesson plans.