Interlibrary Loan Services

Interlibrary loan (ILL) is a service of the Regina Library that supports the educational needs of students, faculty and staff at Rivier University. ILL is a free service that borrows items that the Regina Library does not own or have access to.


Any current Rivier University student, faculty or staff may utilize ILL services with a valid Rivier email address. For help with setting up an email account, please contact IT.

Borrowing Materials

The most frequently borrowed items are journal articles and books. Other items include but are not limited to media, ERIC Documents, dissertations, and rare materials.

ILL cannot provide:

  • Materials owned by the Regina Library
  • Materials that are required for current Rivier University courses, even if you are not enrolled in the course
  • Tests
  • Materials that could violate copyright laws

Requesting an Item

For students, there is a limit of 10 returnable (books, DVDs, etc.) items per account that can be out at one time. Exceptions may be made at the discretion of the ILL Coordinator. Articles or anything posted to RivILL are not considered returnable items. ILL is a free service to the Rivier University community but is a costly service for the library. If you realize that you no longer need an item that was requested, cancel the request within RivILL or contact ILL staff to cancel.

  • Login to RivILL with the same username and password as your Rivier email. When logging in for the first time, you will be prompted to fill in several required fields.
  • After logging in, click the appropriate button on the left to request the material that you need, fill in the form as completely as possible and click “submit request”.
  • Patrons can also submit ILL requests directly from the library databases. If you find articles in the databases that the library does not have, click the Interlibrary Loan button to request the article.

ILL icon

  • This button is located below the citation.


  • Patrons who use ILL are responsible for lost or damaged ILL items, the cost to be determined by the lending library.

Shipping ILL Items to Your Home

If you are enrolled in online classes, we can ship ILL books to your home.

Time Frame for Arrival

ILL requests are processed on business days.  Expect articles to arrive within 7 business days and mailed materials within 14 business days. There are many factors related to how quickly you will receive your ILL requests (how many libraries own the material, where the material is traveling from, etc.); so all time frames are approximate. Please contact ILL to inquire about specific requests.


  • All articles are posted in PDF format. Patrons will receive an email with a link to log in to RivILL, where articles will be available to view for 30 days or up to five times. If you need access to the article for more than 30 days or more than five times, save to your home computer or University OneDrive.
  • Patrons are notified by email when books/media arrive. Materials should be picked up at the Regina Library circulation desk. If they are not picked up within 2 weeks of arrival, they will be returned to the lending library.
  • To view the status of any request, check RivILL or contact ILL staff. When contacting staff about specific requests, please include the ILL transaction number listed on the request for faster service.
  • Patrons are solely responsible for abiding by copyright laws for all borrowed materials.


The Regina Library adheres to U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17, United States Code, Sections 107 and 108), the American Library Association’s Interlibrary Loan Code and CONTU Guidelines. We reserve the right to refuse to fill a request if, in our judgement, doing so would violate copyright law. We will obtain copyrighted material for our patrons only if that material is intended for individual study and research. Materials that are required for a course cannot be borrowed via ILL.

Journal articles:

The CONTU guidelines state that after we receive more than five articles per journal title that are five years old or newer, we must pay copyright fees on any articles that fit those same criteria (this is commonly referred to as the “suggestion of five”). For articles that are more than five years old, we use our best judgement in determining what quantity is acceptable.

Book chapters:

Book chapters are also subject to copyright laws. We limit requests to 2 chapters per patron per book, OR  no more than 20% of the book’s total pages, whichever is less. If you need more than one or two chapters from a book, we suggest requesting the whole book.

Additional Resources:

Rivier University’s Copyright Compliance Policy

Libguide on Faculty Services & Resources: Copyright Info from Regina Library, Rivier University

Interlibrary Loan: Copyright Guidelines and Best Practice from Copyright Clearance Center

The Final CONTU report from

Process for Overdue Materials

  • ILL is dependent on maintaining good rapport with other libraries, so it is important that patrons return ILL materials on time or before their due date.
  • Students/faculty/staff will receive a notice reminding them of the due date for ILL materials.
  • If the materials are not returned, patrons will receive an email informing them that they may lose library circulation and ILL privileges.
  • Patrons will be liable for replacement fees for ILL materials more than one month overdue. This is in addition to the loss of library circulation and ILL privileges.
  • Reinstatement of ILL privileges is at the discretion of the Library Director.


Office hours are Monday through Friday, 8-4:30.  We are located across the hall from Group Study B on the second floor of the Regina Library.


Phone: 603-897-8255