Media Services

The Library provides a limited amount of media equipment for faculty, staff, and student classroom presentations.

In order to provide media equipment fairly, the following guidelines apply:

  • All media equipment is booked and circulates on a first-come, first-served basis. Borrowers are financially responsible for equipment loss or damage. Replacement costs are determined by Library management.
  • The library does not have a full-service media department. Borrowers need to pick up, operate and return media equipment on their own. The library is not responsible for lost/damaged recordings or inability to record due to equipment malfunction, etc.

Media Equipment List

  • Digital Camcorders
  • Digital Cameras
  • Laptop Computers
  • LCD Projectors
  • Portable DVD Player
  • Tripods


  • Media equipment is circulated at the Regina Library Check-Out Desk. Borrowers must present a Rivier ID in order to check out media.
  • Students must be currently enrolled, in good standing with the Library, and not have outstanding overdue items or fines.
  • Most media equipment circulates to students for up to 24 hours, no renewals.
  • Laptops circulate to students for up to 24 hours, no renewals.
  • Library staff will take an inventory of equipment at check-out and check-in. Inventory may take around 10 minutes.  Please plan your time accordingly.

Booking/Reserving Media Equipment

When available, media can be booked in advance in person or by phone for a particular date and time. Requests are filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Library staff will inform you whether or not media equipment is available for the date and time needed.

Student Overdue Fines

Late fines for overdue media equipment accrue at the rate of $5.00 per hour, with a maximum of $200.00 per equipment piece.